Art and culture

Powerful voices and melodious tones on Gotland

There is a lot happening in Gotland, both for children and adults. If you are looking for something to do and see, there is a wide range of concerts, dance, theatre, art and exhibitions. Not to mention Medieval Week.

Swedish celebrities, from Pippi Longstocking to Ingmar Bergman, have contributed to the culture that reflects Gotland’s multifaceted offerings. Numerous films and TV series have been shot on Gotland beaches, lime quarries and in Visby’s charming cobblestone side streets.

Sometimes it feels as though the whole of Gotland is a stage for different kinds of cultural events. Many popular Swedish crime novelists have used Gotland as a location for murders and other mysterious events. Fortunately, the island is a safe place in real life, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself in the middle of a film set during your visit.

Sometimes it feels as though the whole of Gotland is a stage for different kinds of cultural events.

If you hear musical notes from some ruins, this could be a concert. There are many outdoor venues and atmospheric barns such as Stelor or Gåsemora. If you would like to rub shoulders with Othello, King Lear or Macbeth, they and other Shakespearean characters usually stay at Roma Kungsgård during the summer.

Around the island there are cultural venues worth discovering, small galleries, studios and art workshops. If you see a sign saying Öppet (Open), it is often worth stopping to explore. Who knows what treasures you will discover in Gotland’s culture scene.

Five outdoor stages for music and shows:

  • Romateatern/Roma Kungsgård
  • The amphitheatre at Närsakarr
  • Kultudralen
  • Hide Kalkbrott
  • Kallis, After Beach deluxe

Don’t miss Gotland’s cultural oases

Körsbärsgården – A meeting place for art, architecture and literature in Storsudret. Sculpture park, art gallery, various installations and exhibitions.

Länsteatern – The island’s only permanent professional theatre and dance company that stages both its own and guest productions around the island, all year round.

Medieval Week  – Theatre, music, shows, market, jousting – all in a historic setting. This week in August attracts visitors from many parts of the world.

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